Longest throw-ins in Non-League history
Frederik Hvillum

Non-league footballer Jason Kissi, who plays for Godmanchester Rovers, has gone viral for his incredibly long throw-ins.
If you have been on social media the last couple of weeks, the chances are that you have seen Jason Kissi’s amazing throw-in technique. Perhaps, you’ve seen it pop up multiple times across different accounts.
Jason Kissi’s throw-ins, which frequently help his team score, have been seen by millions of people across different social media channels.
Kissi explains that his throw-ins don't just rely on strength; technique, movement, and run-up are key factors in a good throw-in:
"It uses a combination of different skills in one abrupt movement, which helps provide power to the ball if you use these skills correctly. A good run-up always helps too."
Kissi was surprised by the rapid growth of his TikTok account, as he had rarely posted on the platform before: "It made me realize how a rare skill can draw the attention and support of a large media platform in a short space of time."
Veo brings new excitement to matches
For Jason Kissi and his teammates from Godmanchester Rovers, Veo has added a new level of excitement to their matches:
“Being able to have the Veo has added more excitement whilst playing our matches. In younger days, we would only be able to discuss how games went and talk about the highlights we had during the matches” Kissi says before he continues:
“Now with Veo, we can visually reflect on these moments, which doesn’t only help us develop our understanding of the game. It also allows us to watch our good moments and increase confidence for future fixtures.” he ends.