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The Swedish goalkeeper who went all the way
September 6th 2022
Frederik Hvillum

It's not every day that we see a goalkeeper score a goal on the Veo cameras. However, that happened to the Swedish goalkeeper, Linus Remahl from Umeå FC, when he took the chance and ran to the other end and scored in an empty net.

While all players, except the Umeå goalkeeper, were out drinking water, Remahl took the chance and ran down towards the empty goal. He had not thought that he would have to run the whole way, but at the urging of his teammates, he went all the way:

"The first thing I thought when I got to the halfway point was I should find someone who could take over and help me. But when I looked at my teammates and signaled that they should take the ball, they all just yelled, "go!" So I chose to run myself and score on my own. I was also very nervous when I had to shoot because it was very far out, and the goalkeeper was on his way to the goal!”

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"I saw that their goalkeeper was on his way back, and therefore I thought there was a risk that I would miss and that they would then be able to score against us, but my whole team wanted me to go myself, so I did it!" Remahl says.

The match, like many others, was recorded with Umeå's Veo camera, and it was quickly shared among Remahl's friends and also appeared on several Scandinavian media:

"There are so many people who have written to me. Maybe 300 have written to me. I’ve also been interviewed by newspapers, even Sweden's largest news channel, and Norwegian newspapers!”

The goalkeeper is incredibly happy that the match was recorded with Veo so he can always have a look at the fantastic goal. It’s not every day a goalkeeper scores a goal!

"It’s excellent to have it recorded. Otherwise, it would not have been as big, and yes, I have looked at it many times. So I am very grateful that my team has a Veo because it helps in many matches if you want to bring out highlights or similar.” Remahl ends.

Here at Veo, we congratulate the Umeå goalkeeper on his goal!

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